Payment Types
The only accepted type of payment is via credit card on the PayPal website. PayPal is one of the top global ecommerce payment solution providers, and is trusted around the world with millions of financial transactions each year.

You can make a purchase whether or not you are a member of PayPal. It is not necessary to open an account or sign up for anything. For existing members of PayPal, the checkout process is slightly quicker, because your payment information is stored on their website.

PayPal uses data encryption and security protocols to safeguard personal information and financial transactions. Visit the PayPal website for more information on their security policy.

International Payments
Moose-Tech Software is based in the United States. The company is not setup for doing any business outside of the U.S. Only transactions originating from within the U.S. will be accepted. PayPal options have been set to reject any foreign payments.
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